I första numret 2020 av Journal of Hand Surgery (J Hand Surg Am 2020;45(1):57-61) finns en artikel kallad ”Establishing a National Registry for Hand Surgery” där HAKIR beskrivs i positiva ordalag. Av upphovsrättsliga skäl kan vi tyvärr inte lägga ut artikeln på hemsidan.
Författarna till artikeln är imponerade av att patientrapporterade resultat ingår i HAKIR och att vi följer vårdkvalitet för all slags handkirurgi. De ortopediska kvalitetsregistren omfattar vanligen bara patienter opererade med ledprotes eller andra specifika ingrepp. Vi kan vara stolta över vår breda ambition i HAKIR och att vi kommit så pass långt på 10 år.
In 2010, the first national quality registry designed specifically for hand surgery, Handkirurgiskt kvalitetsregister (HAKIR; meaning “hand surgery”), was developed in Sweden. The registry began at a single hospital and was carefully expanded into nationwide coverage. HAKIR shows great promise for driving quality improvement efforts in hand surgery by using patient-reported outcome measures as a key component of its registry dataset. The Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire is administered and uploaded to an online database before and after surgery in over 80% of all hand procedures performed annually in the nation.
These data are able to demonstrate patients’ views on the effectiveness of one treatment approach versus another. Longitudinal data of this nature also permit a more realistic conversation of expectations between provider and patient regarding the impact of treatment on quality of life. For instance, patients are encouraged to access data from HAKIR by going online to see aggregated reports of previous patients experiences regarding pain, functionality, and other quality of life variables. Patients can then see how these factors have changed from a preoperative to postoperative state.
These online reports are available for patients with common hand conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. The initiative helps patients with hand conditions receive more comprehensive preoperative information and creates new opportunities for patients to participate in shared decisionmaking.